(719) 257-3386

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Medical Ethics in the Pandemic

At no point in my near 30-year career has there been more wrestling with the medically ethical principles driving shared-decision making between patients and myself. I also have been a patient as most physicians have been at one point or another. As I try to make sense of the fractured approach during the pandemic, I … Read more

The Future of Medicine

There is a predicted shortage of 55,200 primary care physicians and 86,700 specialists by the year 2033 per a report by the Association of American Medical Colleges. The patient population is growing, especially in its aging population, and the number of physicians is not. This large shortfall needs to have a remedy now to prepare … Read more

The “Give a Shit” Gene

My favorite coworkers and employees are quite varied in their looks, interests, habits, upbringing, and education, but one thing they have in common is what I call the “Give a Shit” gene. I am not sure what chromosome it may be located on, but I inherited it with them. We will call it the “GAS … Read more

Pay As You Go Medicine

Today patients are looking for a personalized healthcare experience. The expectation is met with a completely opposing paradigm of mandated, protocol-driven “health”care. Instead of the headbutting, alienation, and scorning of parties, there should be a resolution to incorporate some “best practices” while giving a personalized experience. And I must clarify that an “experience” implies that there is … Read more

Why Use a Functional Physician Online

If you are considering a change in the way to receive medical treatment but cannot figure out how to do it, let me enlighten you to the private, pay-as-you-go style of functional medicine that has attracted various groups of patients. I can share my current experience of those types of patients flocking to the virtual … Read more

Better Health. Less Costs.

Let us work through the average family budget and see where health is landing. Clearly the landscape of everyone’s family unit is different depending upon the cities and towns that you live in as well as natural access to healthy lifestyles. In my case, I have access to the mountains and trails of Colorado as … Read more

Why Is Your Thyroid Off?

To solve the mysteries of your medical conditions we try to get to the very root or base of the problem before putting a medicine into the equation. Particularly, the thyroid has some specific possibilities that cause it to malfunction. Fix those and your fix your thyroid!! See explanation below.

MCAS: Allergies with a Twist

I have had a rash of patients (pun intended) dealing with very annoying histamine problems. Yesteryear we talked about “bad allergies,” and we all know someone who struggled with every allergy medication and inhaler invented. Some of those same people went on to get allergy shots weekly for years to retrain the immune system to … Read more

Pocket Paleo

I have had so many questions on Paleolithic eating this week that I will share quick referencing on those items acceptable to the “Paleo” lifestyle. Briefly, the paleolithic style of eating takes us back to our roots when the industrialized farming principles did not exist. It is only within the past 100-150 years that we … Read more